Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Charlotte's Web

E.B White, Charlotte's Web, Garth Williams, USA, Harper Collins, 1952. 192 pp. Children’s story, Grades 3-5.

Wilbur is a runt of a pig born on a farm in the mid 1900’s whose owner sells to the Zuckerman’s farm where he is forced to adapt to farm life amongst other animals. The use of dialogue between animals at the farm and Wilbur brings to life a child’s perspective on a real life dramatic struggle in learning about life, loss and opportunity.

Children Response Activities:

1. A Venn Diagram activity were children can compare characters from the story (they can even compare them to self, media, or another book)

2. Book report where children get to choose how to present the story Charlotte's Web. It can be a poster, speech with visual aids or even a skit. Partners can be assigned for this activity by teacher.

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